The project SECRET aims to assess the risks and consequences of EM attacks on the rail infrastructure, to identify preventive and recovery measures and to develop protection solutions to ensure the security of the rail network, subject to intentional electromagnetic (EM) interferences, which can disturb a large number of command-control, communication or signalling systems.
Most recent articles
20 December 2012, by Marie-Hélène Bonneau
20 December 2012, by Marie-Hélène Bonneau
October 2015 on 2015-10-29 Final conference Villeneuve d’Ascq, IFSTTAR on 2015-10-30 Project review for the Third period Villeneuve d’Ascq, IFSTTAR April 2015 From 2015-04-13 to 2015-04-13 Demonstration week and 10th progress meeting Villeneuve d’Ascq, IFSTTAR January 2015 on 2015-01-27 9th progress meeting Paris, UIC HQ on 2015-01-28 Workshop on "how to protect signalling systems against cyber-crime" Paris, UIC HQ September 2014 on 2014-09-15 8th progress meeting Brussels, (...)
20 December 2012, by Marie-Hélène Bonneau
WP1: Threat analysis and risks assessment of EM attack scenarios for Railway Led by SNCF
On the one hand, this WP is dedicated to attacking devices identification (emission, amplification systems available in the public domain, which can be used to generate EM attacks) and on the other hand, it focuses on the victim system trough a systemic analysis of the rail infrastructure. EM attack scenario will be implemented to assess the actual EM vulnerability of the railway Infrastructure. (...)
25 October 2012, by Aymeric Boniou
SECRET is a research project in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7-SST-2011-RTD1), call transport published on 20 July 2010 (Budget call: 26 millions Euros)
Main objectives
The project SECRET aims to assess the risks and consequences of EM attacks on the rail infrastructure, to identify preventive and recovery measures and to develop protection solutions to ensure the security of the rail network, subject to intentional (...)