Legal disclaimer This work has been carried out as part of the SECRET project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 285136. No part of the following documents may be copied, reproduced, disclosed or distributed by any means whatsoever, including electronic without the express permission of IFSTTAR, Coordinator of the EU SECRET Project. The same applies for (...)
The project SECRET aims to assess the risks and consequences of EM attacks on the rail infrastructure, to identify preventive and recovery measures and to develop protection solutions to ensure the security of the rail network, subject to intentional electromagnetic (EM) interferences, which can disturb a large number of command-control, communication or signalling systems.
Most recent articles
Public Deliverables
7 April 2016, by Marie-Hélène Bonneau -
24 November 2015, by Marie-Hélène BonneauS. Mili, V. Deniau, D. Sodoyer, M. Heddebaut "Modeling of a GSM-R receiving chain exposed to transient IEMIs" EUROEM2012, Toulouse, July 2012 Igor Lopez, Christian Pinedo, Marina Aguado, and Eduardo Jacob “Multipath technology to handle mobility and increase resilience in next generation ERTMS” Presented at Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains in Lille, France. May 2013 Mili, S., Sodoyer, D. , Deniau, V., Heddebaut, M., "Modeling and analysis of railway GMSK reception vulnerability to electromagnetic (...)
Final Conference Registration
19 October 2015, by MaguelonneRegistration to SECRET Final Conference is closed
Final conference
29 July 2015, by Marie-Hélène Bonneau“SECurity of the Railway network against Electromagnetic ATtacks”
on 29 October 2015, in Lille, France at IFSTTAR premises Programme of the conferenceAbstractsPresentations Introduction Erik Bessmann (IFSTTAR) and Pierre Brodin (DGITM) SECRET project: Context and objectives Virginie Deniau (IFSTTAR) Standardisation and immunity tests regarding Intentional Electromagnetic Interferences (IEMI) Véronique Beauvois (ULG) Impact of EM attack signatures on ETCS Quality of Service (...) -
29 January 2015, by Marie-Hélène BonneauOn 28 January 2015 Paris, UIC Headquarters Agenda 09:00 Welcome and Registration 09:30 Keynote Speech - Cédric LEVY-BENCHETON, ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) 10:00 ARGUS project - Marc ANTONI, UIC (International Union of Railways) 10:30 Break 10:45 Working group on Cyber criminality – Sergey ADADUROV, Colpofer / RZD (Russian railways) 11:15 Expectation/ challenges at national level – Nadia AMMAD, SNCF (French railways) 11:45 Conclusion (...)
23 July 2013, by Aymeric Boniou -
28 June 2013, by Marie-Hélène BonneauEU related links
DG CONNECT - European Commission, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology
DG MOVE - European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport
DG RTD - European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
ENISA - European Union Agency for Network and Information Security
ERA - European Railway Agency
ERRAC - European Rail Research Advisory Council
EUROPOL EC3 - European Cybercrime Centre at Europol
FP7 - EC 7th Research Framework Programme Electro Magnetic (...) -
10 January 2013, by Aymeric Boniou -
10 January 2013, by Aymeric Boniou -
20 December 2012, by Marie-Hélène BonneauScientific Coordinator
Virginie Deniau
French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR)
Tel :+33 3 20 43 89 91
email: Project Manager
French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR)
Tel : +33 4 72 14 26 27